ਸੈਂਟਰ ਫਾਰ ਡਿਸਟੈਂਸ ਐਂਡ ਆਨਲਾਈਨ ਐਜੂਕੇਸ਼ਨ
Centre for Distance and Online Education

Enter your ABC ID and DEB ID (For students who have not filled in their DEB ID and ABC ID only)
Enter Form Id Enter Password
DEB ID (Click here to generate New DEB ID, DEB Id is compulsory for current students, Wrong DEB Id may be liable to penalty) https://deb.ugc.ac.in/StudentDEBId

Instruction regarding ABC ID (Click here to generate New ABC (Academic Bank of Credits) ID, ABC Id is compulsory for current students, Wrong ABC Id may be liable to penalty) https://www.abc.gov.in/login.php